The Art of Gede Austana

I draw.

I create images.

I compose figurative aesthetics with techniques inspired by traditional Balinese art, graffiti and the timeless masters of the east and west. Sometimes turbulent and sometimes transcendent I allow my works to evolve from epiphany, revelation, mythology or intention to explore identity and spirituality in a modern world. 

I give my art as offering to the ancestors as a mantra for further blessings and to atone for the errors of my past.

Gede Austana is an artist of mixed Balinese/German heritage who spent his early years in the remote and traditional region of west Bali, later to go to school and have a full career in Australia. 

In 2022, Gede would return to Bali to pursue his calling as an artist and reconnect with his Balinese roots.

Header image: Death of the Barong, 2019, acrylic on canvas.Second image: Mermaid, 2020, Digital Painting