The Fort

The inner child builds a fort of scraps in an attempt to guard from oppressions of their merciless world. A fearsome mask is worn in to guard from unseen attacks of cruel cowards who strike from behind. 


Oppression is an attack on us, the parts of us that are most innocent of all. Those parts of us that we never had any say in having. The bodies we're born into, the skin that covers us, our genders and our basic humanity. In defence we develop masks and barriers with the little we can salvage of what is given to us. We learn to live in the borders of the dark and the light, shunning both as the dark is the shadow cast by our tormentors and the light exposes the perils of our reality. Most will choose one or the other, Perpetuating the darkness or seeking the most brilliant of light. Some will forever be torn between the two. This is the truth of the oppressed.

Exhibited in Stigma 3.0 "Oppression" 2023

Acrylic on canvas90x120cm